Sid Dickens
Tree of Life : Evolution T191 - Sid Dickens Memory Block
'Winter is the season to dream the beginning. Like this great tree we are all rooted in the earth. Ever changing, ever growing'. Sid Dickens poetic words are detailed on the back of the Memory Block.
Originally from the Fall 2007 "Odyssey Collection" but re-released in 2010 : For his Fall 2007 Collection, Sid Dickens revisits his past, guided by the passage of time and life's experiences. His personal odyssey as an artist entrusts the collector with intimate glimpses of living, contrasted with the vastness of being alive.Utilizing new techniques and finishes, Sid boldly refurbishes some of his classics. The much-loved Tree of Life is just one of the tiles given a lustrous redefining and boost of character.
6" x 8"