Sid Dickens
Flutter T507 - Sid Dickens Memory Block
'Unfurl your graceful painted wings, begin an exquisite journey to freedom.'
This Sid Dickens block is part of the Spring 2020 Collection.
It witnesses the renewal and awakening of nature. It revels in the optimism of the season with the familiar sights, sounds and scents.
Revived by the warmth of the sun, the landscape sheds its blanket of snow. Hellebores emerge from the soil and stretch from their long slumber. Camelias and May bells express their delight to the warming world with vibrant colours and fresh smells. The creatures follow, emerging from the waters, nests, and hollows, as they greet the new season. Finches sing a carefree song from the branches above, while baritone frogs croak from the ponds blow. In the revitalising Spring air, a ballet commences. Butterflies delicately flutter on painted wings and dragonflies dart by in shimmering streaks of colour. Stirred by nature's performance, a reverie pervades the mind of an observer. A vision of the purest garden where a three-petalled flower blooms into a virtuous trinity. Its vivid beauty is a natural wonder, inspiring a belief that a sacred power lies within all life.
As the flora and fauna of Spring awakens, an uplifting atmosphere is created for all to enjoy. Fresh and rejuvenated, nature awaits the journey ahead.
6" x 8"