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Sid Dickens The Voyage Collection- New For 2017

Posted on April 04 2017

Sid Dickens The Voyage Collection- New For 2017
This week we were greeted by the announcement of a second 2017 collection from Sid Dickens! The Voyage Collection is a small range of memory blocks and aims to celebrate travel, exploration and the belief that our world is to be shared and unified as one. Whether by sea or air, the world is more accessible that ever before, with new experiences and exploration we create our own pathways- the growing global mosaic of human spirit connecting us all. To make this range even more tempting, Sid Dickens will be signing them all himself! We are lucky enough to already have a range of signed blocks (you can view the collection here) but can't wait to get our hands on even more! If you are interested in ordering any of the new memory blocks or perhaps have your eye on some older designs, please get in contact. Will will be placing our order at the end of May and will be expecting the blocks to arrive in early Summer.