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August Artist of the Month: Beccy Gillatt

Posted on July 28 2017

August Artist of the Month: Beccy Gillatt

We talk to Beccy Gillatt, fascinated to find out more about the artist behind her unique jewellery. We discover what she loves, what inspires her and what makes her happy. Beccy's practice is inspired by the hidden beauty that can be found in the functional construction of old machinery and tools. We unravel further the stories that inform her beautiful creations.

How would you describe your jewellery? Clean, crisp and contemporary

What's your career background? I did a BA hons at Buckinghamshire children's university college, a year at Bishopsland and then a masters at the Royal College ofAart. After studying I worked for Flow gallery in Notting Hill and taught at Cambridge Regional College and Richmond Community College. I now live in Olney Buckinghamshire and am the Curriculum Coordinator for adult learning art and craft courses in Northamptonshire.I am lucky enough to have my workshop in my home and make my work from there as well as teach jewellery making.

What would you do if you weren't an artist? I recently watched the TV programme that followed theMaxillofacial Prosthetics team at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. As I was watching I felt as thought this was something I would really enjoy doing. I would love to work with them to help people. I really enjoy problem solving and no two prosthetics where the same so threw up challenges for every new one made.

How would someone else describe you in 5 words? I've been described as a free spirit and my dad always says 'it's always an adventure with you'

Are artists born or made? Both!

What makes you happy? Family, friends, my daughter's smile, sunshine and swimming in the sea. I really love swimming in the sea. I even went in with my wedding dress on after bubbles on the beach with all our guests.

What do you do when you aren't working? I'm currently restoring a retro caravan with my dad and husband.

What's your motto for work? I'm better at working under pressure but would prefer to be a 'do it straight away' worker.

Where's yourfavouriteplace in the world? Anywhere with family and friends.I did fall in love with Kerala when we went for our honeymoon last year and love dog walks at Kynance Cove in Cornwall where my aunts and uncles live.

What are your ambitions? I enjoy and appreciate all the time I have with family and friends and enjoy discovering where new ventures take me. I would like to have work in galleries all over the world and have a dedicated jewellery teaching workshop for 8-12 people.

Discover more about Beccy Gillatt's inspiring work on her artist's page.