Posted on October 01 2015

Can you tell me a bit more about yourself and why you began designing? I studied womenswear at the London College of Fashion. When I finished I didn't want to look at a sewing machine ever again! I've always loved jewellery so it seemed the next logical step. I started out with a few basic courses and then the rest is history
Which designers/artists do you admire? Claude Monet for me is the most amazing artist, the romance of it all. If I could recreate something like the feeling I get when looking at one of his pieces, then I'm sorted.
Where's your favourite place in the world? Barcelona, quickly followed by London, I was brought up in Barcelona so it will always hold a special place in my heart. My family are all still there which is a great excuse to visit!
Do you listen to music when you are working? If so - who are your favourite bands / singers to have on in the studio? I love a bit of slow atmospheric music when I'm in a melancholic mood, but a bit of cheesy pop gets my creative juices flowing.
If you inherited an acre of land what would you do with it? I really like the idea of having a little farm, a few animals and Id really like to grow my own fruit and veg, loads of purple carrots and different shaped courgettes.
What's your earliest memory? When I was 3 we lived in Paris, I remember being picked up by a rosy cheeked French chef, being taken into the kitchen and fed ice-cream straight from the tub.
What is your favourite film? I don't think I could choose just one but Notting Hill is up there amongst the top.
Do you have any unusual talents? I recently got a little puppy; I seem to have a new found talent at toilet training!
What are your indulgences? Monday to Thursday its clothes and fashion, Friday to Sunday its gin, definitely gin.
How do you spend a typical weekend / Sunday? Most Sundays I walk around London with my partner, we always end up at Columbia Road Flower market, it's amazing. The later you go the cheaper the flowers are. I always end up buying more than I can carry especially after all the gin!
What's your motto for work? My motto in life is, I can and I will. I think if you're going to do something, you may as well do it properly. I'm always looking to do things more efficiently and constantly strive for perfection.